What size screen do I use for my event?

What size screen do I use for my event?

Every event is different, therefore choosing the right size screen for your event is very important. Let me share some examples with you. If you are having an event in a small meeting room with about 10 – 20 people then you will most likely only need a 50 or 60 inch flat screen monitor. This monitor will be plenty big for your group. When you hold an event in a tight space like a small meeting room, board room or even a restaurant using a monitor instead of projection can save space and also eliminate the need for the projector to be on your table in order to get the proper throw distance. If you are having a town hall style meeting or an all hands meeting with 100-300 people then you will most likely want to use one or two eight foot wide projection screens depending on the width of your meeting space. This way with a larger projected image your attendees will be able to see all of the information on your slides. If you are having a larger style event such as a fundraiser, awards ceremony, banquet or any large event with 500 – 1000 people or more then you will need…

Meeting Audio Visual

Meeting Audio Visual

Alpine Audio Visual specialists will find the best setup for any meeting you have. We have the top of the line rentals for any and all venues. We have sound system rentals and monitor rentals for intimate restaurant events and sound system and projector rentals for any hotel event or town hall. Call us today and talk to one of our specialist about your next meting: 303-545-2147

Boulder Independent Film Festival

We are proud to be sponsors of Boulder’s very own international film festival. What A Great Weekend Spent at 2010 Biff! Boulder Rolled Out The Red Carpet! A fun filled weekend was had by all this weekend at the 2010 Boulder International Film Festival. The town was filled with movie buffs and film makers from all over the world. Congratulations to Biff  on another successful Film Festival. We are looking forward to next year. February 11-14 2010